
Please note that not every course listed is offered each year and that students should consult the following sources for current course offerings:

  •  for students provides students the ability to search for specific classes.
  •  provides a printable list of all course offerings for each term.


AQGB-EN1006. Aquinas - Introduction to Literature

An introduction to the range and variety of literature in English, to the practice of critical reading, and to writing about ideas and texts in conventional academic language and forms. The course concentrates on the central genres of literature.

AQGB-PH1006. Intro to Western Philosophy

An introduction, through lecture, reading of original sources, and discussion, to the origins and development of western philosophy. The first part of the course studies this tradition from its beginnings in ancient Greece through the Christian Middle Ages. Authors read include Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas. Themes include the nature of reality, the nature of human being and human knowledge; moral and political philosophy; the existence and nature of God. The latter part of the course continues the survey of developments in western philosophy, from the early modern period to contemporary discussion. The focus is on rationalism, empiricism, idealism, and the reactions these provoked.

AQGB-PO1006. Intro to Political Science

Through the study of a small number of core texts, it provides an introduction to some of the key questions at the centre of political life. The course provides students with a solid foundation in the history of political thought. It also concentrates on the development of the skills in logical analysis, writing, and political argument necessary for upper-level courses in the discipline.

AQGH-EN1006. Intro to Literature

An introduction to the range and variety of literature in English, to the practice of critical reading, and to writing about ideas and texts in conventional academic language and forms. The course concentrates on the central genres of literature.

AQGH-HR1006. Intro to Human Rights

This course will introduce students to the study of human rights by investigating the question what is a human right? The course will proceed primarily through a number of examples and case studies. Students will also be given an overview of the basic instruments, institutions, and ideas relevant to human rights.

AQGH-PO1006. Intro to Political Science

Through the study of a small number of core texts, it provides an introduction to some of the key questions at the centre of political life. The course provides students with a solid foundation in the history of political thought. It also concentrates on the development of the skills in logical analysis, writing, and political argument necessary for upper-level courses in the discipline.